content creation

April 29,2024: Are you feeling overwhelmed by having to create new content EVERY week? There is power in repeating. Content over a month old is fair game to reuse! After a month, you'll have new followers and your viewers will need a refresh on your core messaging.

Tweak the angle slightly on the wording and/or the design and you'll be on brand with creative energy to spare.

Google Ads: Keywords

April 21, 2024: This past week I analyzed the top performing search terms/keyword themes of my client's Google Ad and they were NOT direct product searches. The top themes were events the customer was going to in the area that organically showed the value/purpose of the product.

Are you taking into account the habits of your potential customers when you create your paid ads?


If your product is evening apparel. Instead of just using keywords related to direct searches of clothing styles, use keywords like “concerts at (location)” or “best restaurants in (location).”